Saturday, 5 February 2011

Gen.1 Chapter 5

Finally! Kurt does his fair share of the skills building! Poor Carnation.. He taught her words such as money and how to beg.. God knows how that child is going to turn out when she grows up!

I'm really starting to worry about Candi Floss, she seems to think it is perfectly fine to teach Fushcia to talk on the bathroom floor.

Whilst her little sisters get all the attention, Blossom decided to "play" well, chew the toys in the dolls house.

Candi Floss managed to get Fushcia talking in no time which meant she could move onto teaching her to walk. Kurt however, was still teaching Carnation to talk.. How slow do you want to be mate?

To take time out from a house full of toddlers, Marshmellow decided to go to his friends after school. Sadly, I can't remember the child's name!

Not many young boys in Riverview can say that they have their own mother's artwork in their bedroom!

Upon returning home, Marshmellow decided to read a book in the peace and quiet of his bedroom.

Kurt's evil dance. DIE ALREADY!! <_<

Marshmellow likes to sit and lounge about on his own in his bedroom... Bless him!

Where's Kurt going?

To compete in the amateur olympics!
Hey! He won! So he does come in handy..

With his winnings, Kurt decided to hold a birthday party for his eldest son, Tom Shallow.

The entire Shallow family turned up at the Flamingo household.. It was nice to see Tom mingle with his new siblings and step-mother!

Well, the step-mother who is half his age that is! Now, that just shows how old Kurt is!!

Majority of the party guests lingered around outside in the new garden that I had built for the Flamingos.. It was nice to see it being used properly though!

Candi Floss even managed to get Marshmellow, Dallas and June to dance in the small living area of the Flamingo household! How I love her party animalness!

After throwing a pretty awesome party, Kurt decided to hang out in the pool and relax a little.

I decided to make Candi Floss paint Kurt's portrait for the family crypt.. She did this whilst he decided to have a sleep after his hectic day.

Generation 1.

Hey! Kurt! Why are you all sparkly?


Poor Candi Floss and Marshmellow.. They were heart-broken.

R.I.P Kurt Flamingo nee Shallow. You weren't my favourite sim, but you were adored by Candi Floss and the four amazing children you produced. Damn you for not holding on to have a fifth on though!!

Candi Floss couldn't stop crying.. But hey! Cheer up dear, it's Blossom and Marshmellow's birthday!
How time flies! Even when you're not having fun!!

Blossom grew up whilst Marshmellow was at school, felt strange not having Kurt around the house.

Blossom Flamingo

Erm.. I was expecting a little better from her trait wise, but oh well. I think she turned out pretty nicely, very pretty.

As soon as Kurt arrived home from school, he ran straight to the birthday cake to blow out his candles.

Marshmellow Flamingo

Marshmellow also rolled the life-time wish to become a World Reowned Surgeon.. Looks like we have some work to do!

Will Candi Floss find another man to marry and have her fifth child with? What part-time job will Marshmellow take on board? Will the twins grow up and look as awesome as their older brother and sister? Is that the last we've seen of Kurt? Who Knows? Find out in Gen.1 Chapter 6!


  1. Kurt is gooooone!! Is it bad that I'm not really sad, haha?

    But I do feel bad for Candi Floss- she's just gonna have to find a new guy to have the fifth kid with!

  2. Don't worry I wasn't sad either, I kinda fist punched the air! :P
    Aye, I will have to go on another man-hunt for her!
